Lake Fyans competition 22nd – 25th April 2017
All members arrived before dark on Friday and the Lake looked excellent at 74% with light winds forecast for the next 4 days.
Early Saturday started out perfect with blue sky and no wind. Members trawled all day with only small fish releases and nothing to weigh in.
That night 6 members booked a meal at the restaurant in which we celebrated Dawn Penrose 80th birthday with cake and candle, thanks to Gordon McDonald. “Cheers Dawn and Happy Birthday from PNAC”
The start of Sunday's fishing was similar to Saturday, trawling proved the same with only small fish taken. With the exception of Richard Higlett landing a Redfin of 620gms on a hard body lure and John Deveson bait fishing with yabbies landing a Redfin at 1.030kg.
Monday once again was a repeat of Saturday as only small fish were taken and nothing to weigh in. The heavens opened up around 5:30pm and heavy rain fell during the night and next morning.
Bernice and John attended ANZAC service at Stawell on Tuesday morning. Members decided that due to the rain, forecast and lake not producing, no member ventured out and we all decided to end the competition on Monday morning as all packed up early and went home.
Fly Fishers were about the lake over the 3 days and only 6 fish were taken. A couple of days before our competition started a fisherman staying a Lake Fyans managed to land a 9lb Brown Trout caught on a Celta lure.
John Deveson