This years Interclub, like others from years past, had the evil shadow of bush fires hanging over it. My original route was to take me along the Princess Highway to Morwell and then the scenic Hyland highway to Devon North for a quick chat with one of our members John Wus and then on to the clubrooms. However a phone call from Steve Gusman alerted me to a fire in the vicinity of the Hazelwood Power station and a detour to the south Gippsland Highway was in order.
On Saturday morning we were greeted with no wind and and a nice sunny day. We could not have asked for a better start to the day. Crossing the bar at the Kate Kearney entrance was uneventful and a short trip to our favourite reef was in order.
Right from the moment that we dropped the anchor the fish were on, disappointment set in as all we kept hooking were inedible fish. Steve hooked a very heavy fish that after an epic battle turned out to be a Wobbegong estimated at 35 to 40 kilos. It was cut loose. Steve was also lucky enough to weigh in a small gummy.
Steve weighed in 2 flathead and a gummy for 4.96 kg. Josh & John Wus had a good day out catching 10. Flathead and a leatherjacket and 15 Flathead respectively. Josh's bag weight was 4.480 kg while john's bag weight was 4.480 kg. Danny Dib caught 11 flathead for 3.340 kg.
The Port Albert crew led by Daryl Mills had a mixed day. Daryl weighed in 12 Flathead and 4 Salmon for a bag weight of 4.360 kg. A. Mills weighed in 4 flathead and 5 Salmon for 2.820 kg.
On the Sunday neither club fished due to the bush fires and extreme winds.
For our competition Steve Gusman weighed in three fish for 4.960 kg
Josh Wus weighed in 11 fish for 4.480 kg and his father John Wus weighed in 15 fish for 4.140 kg and Danny Dib weighed in 11 fish for 3.340 kg.
Best Flathead caught by Joshua Wus weighed 1.32 kg.
The competition between Port Albert and Preston Northcote was again taken out by Preston Northcote with an average weight of 2.92 kg. Port Albert' s average weight was 1.84 kg.
A great time was had on Saturday night. The food and company was most enjoyable.