Twenty members attended Howqua lodge to participate in the 2014 interclub competition in excellent weather conditions with sunny days and cool nights.
The fishing proved to be somewhat poor for most members, but there were some notable exceptions with Andrew Brandi and Daniel Jennings fishing well. Saturday provided the most fish with 8 fish being weighed in and only one on Sunday.
The Saturday interclub Bar BBQ proved to be an excellent social night with everyone enjoying themselves.The highlight, once again, was the food prepared by some talented people from the Dunlop Bayswater Fishing club. The meat was donated from the Alpine Butcher In Mansfield. Members are encouraged to use them for their meat supplies. Their meat is of excellent quality and a mention of the fishing club will be well received. Saturday night's festivities were completed at the Preston lodge with a very social time had by members. There were some who participated in Active TV football “Discussion”. Those who enjoyed a “quite drink “ by the outdoor fire and those sharing stories of good times of days gone by. But the outstanding fact was the congenial time had by all
Sunday was last day of the competition with the final weigh in of the weekend catch. Unfortunatley, our luck run out this year with Dunlop Bayswater winning the Trophy after 6 years of trying with Preston second. The presentation was held at the Bayswater lodge and then it was time for the Preston Northcote club weigh in. There were only three members which were able to weigh in while 17 other members lucked out on this occasion. Hopefully better luck next year.
The trip winner was Andew Brandi with 3 fish and a total weight of 2.690Kg while Daniel Jenning s was second place with 5 fish weighing 1.56KG. Attillio Decori came in third place with one fish of 0.360KG. Andrew also won the heaviest fish with an excellent brown trout of 1.755 kg. It must be noted that both Andrew and Daniel have proved to be the most consistant fishermen of this competition over the past few years. Well done and congratulations on your win.
Petras Surna released two fish that could have been weighed in of about 800 grams total. Jim Duff caught a 48cm rainbow on fly in the Howqua which he also released.