Eight members arrived safely on Friday afternoon and evening. All members had booked accommodation in the villa units within the Lake Fyans Park.
First light on Saturday all members ventured out into the water and started trawling. The lake condition was absolutely beautiful. There was no wind and the water was almost like a sheet of glass. It was a little chilly but it soon warmed up as there were no clouds above. The temperature reached about 25 degrees for the day. The north end of the lake is where all the fish were taking lures/biting. Although locals where drifting after the redfin in the middle. Almost all fish were taking on Tassie Devils/Cobra’s in clear water about 4.0m to avoid the weed. Some members decided to have a go drifting for redfin or bait fishing under the float. Saturday night weigh in at 09:00pm. 16 fish weighed in.
Sunday morning turn back the clocks.
Sunday morning there was a south wind blowing and it was a little choppy out on the water but members still produced some good fish.
Final weigh in at 12:00pm Sunday with 12 fish weighed in.
Saturday/Sunday results:
T Dorner produced a Brown trout of 1.035kg and Rainbow for total 1.335kg.
Joe Mifsud Rainbow 0.325kg.
Jason King landed a nice Brown Trout on Saturday 1.125kg with 6 Rainbows total 3.685kg.
Rod King 1 Brown Trout at 0.930kg total 2 Browns and 2 Rainbow for 2.245kg.
John Deveson 1 Rainbow total 0.360kg.
Bernice Deveson better luck next time.
John Costa Brown Trout at 1.090kg for a total 1 Brown and 3 Rainbow for 2.160kg.
Bernie Harris 6 Rainbow and 3 Red Fin at total 3.470kg.
Combined total 28 fish at 13.580kg.